I believe this discussion could lead to my being disciplined. I therefore request that my union representative or officer be present to assist me at the meeting. I further request reasonable time to consult with my union representative regarding the subject and purpose of the meeting. Please consider this a continuing request; without representation I shall not participate in the discussion; without representation I shall not participate in the discussion. I shall not consent to any searches or tests affecting my person, property, or effects without first consulting with my union representatives.
OUR GOAL IS 100% PARTICIPATION IN C.O.P.E. Now more than ever it is imperative that we have our friends in elected offices. We need all the help we can get to fight back corporate greed and maintain our job security through our negotiations for a new contract. Please CLICK HERE to print out and sign up for C.O.P.E. Please mail the completed form to I.B.E.W. 2322, 106 West Grove St. Middleboro, Ma 02346. $1.00 a week is a small price to pay.
Donate now to support the
IBEW Local 2322 Benevolent Fund
"Serving our members in need and our local community"
Useful Links
New England Work & Family
NACTEL Online Education
Scarborough Alliance Group
Greater Southeastern MA Labor Council
Massachusetts AFL-CIO
Thank You to our Benevolent Fund Supporters!!
Click picture for website
Ways to Donate to the Benevolent Fund
Updated On: Dec 03, 2024
how to DOnate
Donate via PayPal or mail a check made payable to:
IBEW LOCAL 2322 BENEVOLENT FUND to 106 West Grove Street Middleboro, MA 02346
Donate with PayPal:
Double your non-cash donation ($25 min): For VZ Employees
Matching Incentive Program (select: request a match for donation already made or donate via Credit Card)
Select Advanced Search for organization: Enter US Tax ID: 832622623 and search and select Int'l Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2322 Benevolent Fund
Register your donation and Submit
For return email: csilvia2322@yahoo.com and contact info: Cindy Silvia TN: 508-947-2131